How Does Joint Evolution of Consumer Traits Affect Resource Specialization?
This project is the first chapter of my doctoral thesis. In it, I analyzed a consumer-resource model to understand how the simultaneous evolution of consumer traits that mediate resource consumption affects that consumer’s species scope for diversification.
(I intend to write here a popular science summary of the research methods and findings)
The analysis was done using the Wolfram language in the Mathematica notebook environment and the individual based simulations were written and performed in MATLAB.
This is the link to the published article
The article is behind a paywall, so if you do not have access through your institution and would like to have a copy of it, just send me a request through the contact form below.
And here is the link to the script files in Mathematica and MATLAB
The Github repository for this project is github.com/pnvasc/evolutionOfResourceSpecialization
It is currently incomplete and I’m in the process of updating it.
My Role
- Design model
- Perform analysis
- Perform simulations
- Data visualization
- Write manuscript